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Michael Chu

Michael Chu - Founder & President

Founder and principle consultant of AsiaBizCo, Mr. Chu has over 15 years of international business development experience for US companies. Through out his distinguished career, Mr. Chu helped many Silicon Valley companies successfully launch projects with Asian partners, such as Canon, Ricoh, Konica, Toshiba, and Sony.

Mr. Chu was born in Taiwan, raised in Japan, and came to the US when he was seventeen. He is fluent in English, Chinese, and Japanese.

He blends his US business and corporate experience with his Asian up-bringing, building the bridge of intimacy that translates business and culture differences into trust and respect for both the US and Asian companies.

"We all want the same things, expressed differently", says Chu. "Recognizing the common ground will help resolve most difficulties in negotiations, and business dealings. Mutual respect is the foundation upon which all successful business relationships are built." This is at the root of his success in working with people from across the Pacific.

When he is not traveling to and from Asia, across the US coasts, Mr. Chu volunteers his time and energy at non-profit organizations that promotes global business corporation. Currently, he is responsible for devising programs that enriches the global experiences of entrepreneur's at the Silicon Valley Associations of Entrepreneur International.

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